"The Weary Lacrymosa" - 2010, Instigatorzine, 5th issue
"Generation's Tragedy" - 2010, The Write Place at the Write Time, June 22nd two-year anniversary issue
"Whirl In Place" - 2010, Maverick Magazine, April 5th issue
"The Empty Wind (The Virgin Rose, She Sings)" - 2003, Regional Young Poets' Contest Winner
"Generation's Tragedy" - 2010, The Write Place at the Write Time, June 22nd two-year anniversary issue
"Whirl In Place" - 2010, Maverick Magazine, April 5th issue
"The Empty Wind (The Virgin Rose, She Sings)" - 2003, Regional Young Poets' Contest Winner
"A Solder's Heart" - 2003, International War Veterans' Online Poetry Archives
"They Need to Hear You Sing (The Promise of Living)" - 2003, Dad's Lemonade Stand (in bookstores)
"Musée d'Orsay Clock" - 2010, The Fine Line, Spring 2010 inaugural issue
"Moulin Rouge" - 2010, Schmap Online Paris Guide
"Moulin Rouge" - 2010, Schmap Online Paris Guide