Sunday, March 3, 2013

exhale my own

muddy-sensed, i try
breathing in through undead eyes;
exhale my own breeze


[written in response to the prompt "Breeze" over at Haiku Heights.]


Unknown said...

undead eyes, the breath... great imagery

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is the haiku find of the day. Very strong writing.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to follow your blog but don't do any of the choices in your "follow" button. Do you have a spot to sign up for an email notification each time you post? I'm on wordpress.
Thanks. Otherwise I'll just catch up through haikuheights posts

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

I really liked your haiku.

Eliz Frank said...

This is a beautiful haiku with lovely imagery. ;-)

Unknown said...

oh thank you all so much for visiting and commenting! what kind compliments.

alice, i'm not sure how it works with Wordpress honestly...i will try to find out, i'd love to have you follow. i will try to be on Haiku Heights often so we can catch up with each other there!