Sunday, July 8, 2012

two meetings

she holds his heart so close to hers
and all i can do is notice mine aching wearily.
he remains oblivious to all affections,
but how am i to break her heart
when mine is halfway there?
his smile entrances that which betrays me,
swallows all doubt of regard,
illuminates my nights,
but it proves similar for she.
i'm left to share diluted tea
with only my unheard self
as i assume the masquerade
i've been avoiding from the beginning.
how can i give my love to him
when i'd be competing for his?
he knows me, yes,
but he attends to her willingly.
two meetings cannot accurately demonstrate
what many meetings can.
maybe the world would prefer my alter ego
to my honest heart;
the masquerade has become my shelter.



Kerry O'Connor said...

I first read this as a poem about dual rivalry for the affections of the man, by the end I wondered if the two women he loved were really the same: and he loves one side of the woman more than the other, except the other is the truer one.

maybe the world would prefer my alter ego
to my honest heart;
the masquerade has become my shelter

Unknown said...

hi Kerry! thanks for stopping by! i love your take on this, so thoughtful...and he so did bring out two sides of me... x :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely poem. Really like the title - and how it comes around again later in the poem - very poignant. I also like "undiluted tea" - great image.


Unknown said...

thank you Richard! i'm glad the title had the effect i wanted. thanks again for stopping by! x